
Sunday, June 15

GUIDE 3.2 : Forest Area

Welcome To,
GUIDE 3.2 : Forest Area

The Forest Area, is located North from you Farm Area. On the early of the game, when you have little coins in your pocket, this area will give you a little extra income to help you buy some seeds.

What can you find in this area :
  • Unlike your farm, the Forest Area has less thing for you, but even that, you will find it help you on your financial.
  • The most importart thing in this area is the 3 Seasonal Crops that you can pick everyday, thare are three on this area, and each Seasonal Crops has 3 place to show up randomly, the spot for them to show up is at the end of the road on the South East of the Area, Near the Shrine, and go up a little bit from Shrine.  I will try showing it by picture below.

  • Volcano Mine, the Volcano mine is a special place where you can find ores, there are 3 types of ores you can find at this mine, Bronze, Silver and Gold. You need to dig the land with pickaxe to find those ore. There Are 16 square of land that you can dig to get 1 ore everyday. The picture below is the location of Volcano Mine, try to find it in the Forest Area.

Friends/Villagers who came to this area :
  • There are 4 Friend's/Villagers you can find in this area. However, the timing are not same for 1 friend/villager.
  • Shrine, i'm categorizing Shrine as a friend/villager because you can interact and has a love meter. You can find Shrine at the same spot all the time
  • Lee, you can find Lee standing next to the Shrine. You can only find Lee if you enter the portal to Forest Area from 06.00-10.30.
  • Jane, you can find Jane at the West side of the Forest Area. You can only find Jane if you enter the portal to Forest Area from 06.00-10.30.
  • Kid, you can find Kid at South East side of the Forest Area standing on the intersection. You can only find Kid if you enter the Forest Area from 17.00-19.30.
  • I will explain about how to full hearted all of the friends/villagers later on separate guide.

What Area can you reach from here :
  • To the South, there's a portal to go back to Your Farm Area.
  • To the West, there's a portal to go to Lake Side Area Entrance.
  • To the North East, there's a portal to go to Underground Mine Area Entrance.


  1. I can't put ore in my basket! I find ore and the button changes to show arrow to put in basket, but when I click on it I get the help menu?! Frustrated.

  2. I can't put ore in my basket! I find ore and the button changes to show arrow to put in basket, but when I click on it I get the help menu?! Frustrated.

  3. you have to get away of the mine area, and then you can save the gold in the basket
